Roy And The Rogers

Roy And The Rogers is a group of musicians who all went to school with Howard.

It all started in 2013 when Roy Roger thought it would make an interesting 60th birthday bash if we got together to play some music. He volunteered to sing. At the time Rick Roger was running the Shire Hall in Howden and we booked it for a Saturday so we could play there. This was strictly behind closed doors. We did a repeat the following year and had a few sessions at Ian Roger's. The other Rogers not mentioned so far are Greg, Martin and John.

In 2018 we had a session in Pirate Studios in Reading for which Ian Roger produced this poster.

In 2019 we started making videos. They're all unlisted on YouTube. Latest first.

There's a complete list of our recorded music here. It varies a lot in quality and we wouldn't be planning to give up our day jobs if we had them.

Lockdown Collaborations done using Soundtrap

Soundcloud Recordings at either Ian's or Pirate Studios in Reading